A two disc DVD set containing a great
collection of rare Elvis footage from the 50's to 70's. Some of this
footage has been seen on the internet, but not in near this good of
quality. It has fan-shot footage from the 50's, complete and unseen
press conferences and interviews from the 60's, Rare newsreel footage
from the late 60's, and some very rare live 70's footage including some
great quality footage from the 1970 Houston Astrodome shows and Elvis'
last show in 1977.
Due to its rarity some footage may be of lesser quality but is included
for its historical importance.
Total playing time is approximately 90 minutes per disc. |
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A Legendary Performer Volume 1
Magnolia Gardens August 7, 1955
Amateur Colour footage from Elvis’ afternoon show in Houston
Oakland Radio Spot June 3, 1956
Elvis performs at 3 and 8pm at California’s Auditorium Arena
(accompanied by photo gallery)
Tupelo Fair Show September 26, 1956
Mississippi; Alabama Fair and Dairy Show filmed by Fox Movietone
News (with synched sound)
Chicago Police Film March 28, 1957
International Amphitheatre Show filmed by Police (additional
Tupelo Benefit September 27, 1957
Elvis backstage and onstage at the Elvis Presley Youth Center
benefit 12,000 fans attend
Arkansas Newsreel March 1958
Elvis goes through processing at Fort Chaffee Arkansas, assigned
to the 2nd Armoured Division
Elvis Sails September 22, 1958
Train arrives at Brooklyn, NY from Fort Hood Texas. Elvis answers
questions from the press (newsreel)
Elvis Germany October 1, 1958
At 8:46am the U.S.S.Randall docks at the German port of
Bremerhaven where it is met by 1,500 fans (newsreel)
Paris Press June 17, 1959
On a 15 day leave, Elvis and his entourage of three travel to
Paris. A brief press conference is held
New Jersey Newsreel March 3, 1960
Elvis is met by Nancy Sinatra at Fort Dix, New Jersey. Two days
later discharge procedures are complete
Press Conference March 3, 1960
After being processed through customs the army holds a press
G.I.Blues Gallery 1958-1960
A look at Elvis in the Army. Many rare and unusual photos
Graceland Press March 7,1960
Monday afternoon, Elvis holds a press conference in his father’s
office just behind Graceland
Florida Bound March 21, 1960
Train bound for Miami to star in the Frank Sinatra special. Elvis
talks to a reporter
Elvis Meets Bobby May 1960
Backstage meeting with Bobby Darin after his show at Cloisters in
Hollywood Also present is Jim Backus
Follow That Dream July 1961
Amateur footage taken in Weeki Wachee Spring during the filming
of Follow That Dream
Las Vegas Newsreel May 1967
Elvis marries Priscilla on May 1st 1967 at 11:45am at the Aladdin
Hotel in Las Vegas
1956; 1960
Love Me Tender, Loving You, Jailhouse Rock, King Creole,
G.I.Blues, Flaming Star, Wild In The Country
1961; 1963
Blue Hawaii, Follow That Dream, Kid Galahad, Girls Girls Girls,
It Happened At The Worlds Fair, Fun In Acapulco, Kissin’ Cousins
1963; 1965
Viva Las Vegas, Roustabout, Girl Happy, Tickle Me, Harum Scarum
1966; 1967
Frankie And Johnny, Paradise Hawaiian Style, Spinout, Easy Come
Easy Go
1967; 1968
Double Trouble, Clambake, Stay Away Joe, Speedway, Live A Little
Love A Little
1969; 1981
Charro, The Trouble With Girls (And How To Get Into It), Change
Of Habit, TTWII, Elvis On Tour, This Is Elvis
Beverly Hills Autograph Session August 1968
Amateur footage of Elvis signing autographs outside his Beverly
Hills home
Cut Nude Scene March 13, 1969
Infamous, cut “nude” bath scene of actress Ina Balin
Charro Gallery
Rare stunning publicity and film photos. Charro was released
March 13. 1969
Hilton Press Conference September 4, 1972
The Colonel stages a press conference between the dinner and
midnight shows with RCA president Rocco Laginestra
Sponsor Cut Ins January 14, 1973
Previously unavailable cut-ins shown during commercial breaks.
Includes sponsor advertisements
Aloha Gallery
Super photo selection documenting the legendary satellite show
Houston Astrodome 1970
Amateur footage showing Elvis’s ride around the stadium in a
jeep. Plus photos and concert footage
Pontiac, Michigan December 31, 1975
Rare amateur footage from New Years Eve concert at the
Silverdrome (sound footage)
Elvis On Tour Gallery 1972-1977
A collection of concert images showing the king on stage in the
Elvis Double LP Ad
Rare TV spot for Elvis’ multimillion selling 1973 double LP
Elvis In Concert Spot October 1977
TV Spot announcing the upcoming special Elvis In Concert aired
October 3rd, 1977
Elvis And Charlie
Amateur footage featuring Elvis clowning with close friend
Charlie Hodge on stage |
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A Legendary Performer Volume 2
Live 1955-1956
April 29, 1955 Cotton Club, Lubbock Texas
April 4, 1956 San Diego Arena, California
July 4, 1956 Russwood Park, Memphis, Tennessee
Nov 25, 1056 Jefferson County Armory Louisviile, Kentucky
Elvis And June
July 13, 1956 Biloxi Mississippi Elvis spends time with June Juanico and
her family. A deep-sea fishing, water skiing trip is shot on 8mm film.
Vernon and Gladys are also present
Jailhouse Rock Trailer
October 17, 1957 (original release date) This is the lesser seen
re-release trailer
Images: The Fifties
Gallery of over 50 rare photos
Army Induction
March 24-25, 1958 Little seen footage of Elvis’ induction process
including physical
A Movie Musical Celebration
1992 In store promotional trailer for the CBS FOX video releases
Girls, Girls, Girls Trailer
November 21, 1962 (original release date) Although “I Don’t Want To” is
cut from the film. it’s seen in the trailer
Elvis And Danny Thomas
February 14, 1964 Presentation of the USS Potomac to Danny Thomas on
behalf of St. Jude’s Hospital in Memphis
Elvis At The International
April 1969 Las Vegas Elvis at the construction site of the new
International Hotel
The Final Concert
June 26, 1977 Market Square Arena Indianapolis, Indiana