The 4th instalment of this wonderful series. Beautiful colour and
editing, all videos are done in an MTV-style setting like the previous
Hollywood Elvis DVDs.
This DVD contains the following movie clips (overdubbed with new
US Male; Clean Up Your Own Backyard; The Wiffenpoof Song; Violet;
Signs Of The Zodiac; Swing Down Sweet Chariot; Almost; Flaming Star;
Britches; Summer Kisses, Winter Tears; A Cane And A High Starched
Collar; I Gotta Know; Take Me To The Fair; A World Of Our Own; Cotton
Candy Land; Relax; One Broken Heart For Sale; I'm Falling In Love
Tonight; Beyond The Bend; How Would You Like To Be; They Remind Me To
Much Of You; Happy Ending; Gonna Get Back Home Somehow; What Now, What
Next, Where To; Black Star; She's A Machine; Easy Come, Easy Go; The
Love Machine; Yoga Is As Yoga Does; You Gotta Stop; Sing You Children;
I'll Take Love; Almost (Undubbed); Happy Ending (Take 6); The Love
Machine (Take 5); Flaming Star (End Title)
Whilst a compilation of Elvis’ customary videos would be exciting,
here most of these clips have been cleverly remade & remodelled and some
of them are truly inspirational! |